Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Princess and The Goblin

The Princess and The Goblin was an excellent book. I really enjoyed this book. At first, I was disturbed by the grandmother. However, after talking out how the book was about good viruses evil, I see that the grandmother was not supposed to be creepy in any way what so ever. The goblins are supposed to represent evil and the grandmother is supposed to represent good. MacDonald shows the evil of the goblins by confining them underground, making them ugly, and making their sounds utterly unbearable. Also, the grandmother is visually shown as good because of her beauty, her kindness, and of course her constant need to help Irene. I wonder is good will out shine evil. I haven’t finished the book, but I am almost positive that the goblin’s plan will not work. I guess I will have to read to find out.

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