Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Today in class, we talked about whether or not each of us enjoyed the genre of fantasy. I really enjoy fantasy. I really like how fantasy allows its characters to do the impossible. I love the alternate world and all of the entertaining descriptive words the author creates. I really like reading books like Harry Potter, because I feel like I am in the story too. I become so wrapped up in the alternate world; it makes me want to be like the characters. Once I begin reading Harry Potter, I can not put it down until the book is finished. I love that! I really likes Eleanor Cameron’s paragraph about fantasy (the one you handed out in class). Cameron stated that fantasy has three paradoxes. One on the paradoxes is that fantasy breaks the laws of the world, allows the protagonist the do the impossible, and last but not least it takes the reader to another world. I completely agree with Cameron.

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